Copyright © 2006 MCA Internet, LLC dba BERTL.
22 August 2006
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Page 20
Savin C2525
Extensive user authentication capabilities restrict access
to the device across all disciplines as required.
Secure print send capability is standard with the ability to
reprint multiple documents in a single step from the touch
screen control panel.
Secure fax transmission and fax forwarding to PIN pro-
tected mailboxes or email addresses ensures that incom-
ing faxes do not get intercepted.
Secure scan transmission with encrypted PDF capability
prevents intercepted scan-to operations from being
opened and deciphered.
Advanced permissioning levels for documents stored on
the document server and attachments sent in scan mode
include read/write levels and the ability to deliver a low
resolution save-only version.
Up to 10 individual IPP users can be set up, providing
secured remote printing capability for remote users.
SNMP v3, IPv6, port lockdown, and IP filtering support
reduce opportunities for would be hackers to gain access
to the network through the MFP.
With the Background Numbering in Copy mode, unique
copies of confidential documents distributed at meetings
can be signed out to each participant. Document leaks
are then easy to trace back to the original recipient.
The Unauthorized Copy mode within the print driver al-
lows printed documents to be produced with a back-
ground that generates a security notice when copied. Set
up is similar to creating a watermark.
MAC filtering would deliver even greater lockdown since
a MAC address, once created on hardware, cannot be
changed or edited.
Biometrics—for either user authentication and/or secure
print/fax queue release—would provide added security.
The Unauthorized Copy mode would be enhanced with
auto detection and blocking of documents. An email iden-
tifying the users could be sent automatically to security.
The automatic inclusion of user code or authentication
stamp onto any document with unauthorized copy stamp
would track the document back to the creator.
Unauthorized copy mode in action adding a confidential watermark to
copies of a printed document