Possible misuse
The routing machine must not be operated hand-guided in connection with an OFL,
must be mounted horizontally and screwed down tightly.
No router bits other than those approved may be installed in the OFL router lifts. The
use of a drilling machine is categorically prohibited.
In the case of milling motors, a 43 mm Euro-neck must be provided for clamping to
ensure safe installation on the OFL3.0 during proper use.
Vertical and axial adjustment/adjustment of the lift during operation is generally
prohibited. Always ensure that all clamping levers are firmly and securely locked.
Always work with both hands when opening and closing the locking levers for adjusting
the lift in order to minimize the risk of trapping fingers and to prevent the routing
motor from unexpectedly tilting away.
Routing only in up-cutting direction, i.e. the direction of the routing feed must always
be opposite to the direction of rotation of the routing bit. The workpiece must never be
positioned or guided between the fence and the routing bit.
Take care to allow sufficient space in the routing table to ensure that the lift
underneath the routing table top can be operated cleanly. Two-hand operation must be
possible at all times.
Furthermore, make sure that the router bit, if mounted, is exposed during adjustment
of the lift and does not touch the fence, table top or reduction plate.
The components mentioned here are only designed for routing wood, plastics and
similar materials. The machining of metals and steel is prohibited.
It is absolutely necessary to install the protective device to ensure sufficient protection
against accidental contact with active parts.
In addition, all safety instructions and operating conditions of the respective router
must be complied with according to its operating instructions.