flexotron®400 - RDT405
Control modes
monitoring the supply water temperature to open/close the input. Open contact
will give heating control and closed contact cooling control.
In applications with dampers it is often desirable to be able to set a minimum
amount of fresh air. In the output alternatives 6 and 7 it is possible to set a
minimum limit value to the damper output signal. The damper output will then not
go lower than the set value during normal operation. When DI1=0, however, the
signal will go to zero.
In the output mode heating
– damper the damper will be fully open for
temperatures higher than the setpoint. On increasing heat demand the damper
will first close to the minimum value before the heating output starts to increase.
In the output mode cooling
– damper the damper will be fully open for
temperatures lower than the setpoint. On increasing cooling demand the damper
will first close to the minimum value before the cooling output starts to increase.
External setpoint
It is possible to use an external Ni1000 setpoint device. The setpoint device is
connected between terminal 10 SPI and the reference for the analogue inputs,
. For more information on configuration and setpoint reading, see chapters 7
and 8.
Wiring example: Heating / cooling with change-over function