Shock Loading and Over-Loading
A rope, just like most machinery, can be seriously damaged if shock loaded beyond its normal working range. Simply
described, shock loads are a "jerking" or a "snatching" of a rope. Or, a very sudden change in tension, from a state of no load or
low load to one of high load.
Visually, there is no reliable method of determining the extent of damage, or strength loss from a shock load. It should be em-
phatically stated that all ropes suspected of being seriously shock loaded should be retired from service, and if appropriate,
tested to determine their suitability for service.
Cleaning of Synthetic Ropes
Most synthetic ropes may be washed with a mild detergent and warm water without any harmful effects. However,
strong grease detergents, cleaning agents, bleaches and chlorinated hydrocarbons should be avoided. Some strong grease de-
tergents may actually remove the natural lubricant of the rope fibers, causing undue internal wear from fiber friction. This would,
naturally, shorten rope life.
Operation & Maintenance Manual
Model 1570-B Puller
Page 11