Getting to Know Your ASTRA
Automatic Transmission
Neutral Idle
The automatic transmission shifts into
neutral at complete stops to help
reduce fuel consumption when the
vehicle is not moving.
The neutral idle function is activated
when the transmission is in Drive (D),
third (3), second (2), or first (1) gear, the
brake pedal is depressed, the vehicle is
stationary, the accelerator pedal is not
depressed, the road is not steeper than
15° and the transmission fluid tempera-
ture is greater than 32°F (0°C). The
transmission will automatically engage
when the brake pedal is released.
See Section 8 of your Owner Manual.
Automatic Transmission
Downhill Grade Assist
When traveling down steep grades, the
automatic transmission may automati-
cally downshift into a lower gear when
the brake is applied. You may feel this
downshift. This performance feature
assists with engine braking to reduce
wear on the brake system.
See Section 8 of your Owner Manual.
– Stability Control
System (if equipped)
StabiliTrak is an advanced computer-
controlled vehicle stability and traction
enhancement system that assists with
directional control of the vehicle in
difficult driving conditions by reducing
engine power and applying the brakes to
individual wheels. It turns on automati-
cally every time you start your vehicle.
To limit wheelspin and help maintain
directional control, you should always
leave the system on. However, if your
vehicle becomes stuck and rocking the
vehicle is required, the system should
be turned off.
• To turn off the StabiliTrak system,
press and hold the
Off) button, located on the center
console, until the indicator light illumi-
nates in the button. Press the button
again to turn on the system.
See Section 8 of your Owner Manual.
Tire Pressure Monitor
The Tire Pressure Monitor alerts you
when a significant reduction in pressure
occurs in one or more of your vehicle’s
tires by illuminating the
(Low Tire
Pressure) warning light on the instru-
ment panel cluster. The low tire pressure
warning light will remain on until you
correct the tire pressure.