Satelco AG | Seestrasse 241 | CH-8804 Au/Wädenswil
Tel. +41 (0) 44 787 06 07 | Fax +41 (0) 44 787 06 08 | e-mail: [email protected] |
Seite 11
You may replace, add and delete files to the original file directory while it is in schedule
mode. Simply follow the directions to replace, add or delete. You may also start a
schedule immediately by putting today
’s date as the start date. The next time MOH
Professional checks for an email it will download and start the schedule at that time.
3.6 To Clear A Schedule:
To stop a schedule in progress and revert back to the audio
that was playing before the schedule started, enter the playe
r’s email address and a short
description of what you are doing in the subject line. On the first line of the body of the
email, type in your Security Key. On the second line type
. You may
leave a space between the two words. Then click send.
3.7 To Check Your Player
’s Status:
Enter the player
’s email address and a short
description of what you are doing in the subject line. On the first line of the body of the
email, type in your Security Key and on the second line type
. Then click send.