connecting terminals for blind/shutter motors and power supply.
LEDs indicating state of blinds/shutters / channels and errors (
– green,
– orange) – see Table 1.
State of channel / blind/shutter
no blind/shutter / channel not used
blind/shutter not synchronized with module
blind/shutter travel time detection (synchronization of
blind/shutter with module)
blind/shutter fully open
position other than fully open
blind/shutter move up
blind/shutter move down
restoring module factory settings
Error type
blind/shutter error* when move up
blind/shutter error* when move down
– OFF, – ON, – flashing, / and / – LEDs are OFF and ON alternately.
* incorrect position, mechanical jam, no power / supply circuit fault, motor overheating
or obstacle detection by smart motor.
Table 1.
Blind/shutter error does not block the channel. The blind/shutter travel can be
controlled for the entire duration of the error. The error is automatically cleared when
the blind/shutter reaches the end position in the opposite direction to that in which it
was moving when the channel reported an error.
Continuous operation for too long a time or repeated activation of the blind/shutter in
very short intervals can cause motor overheating. Re-starting of the motor is only
possible after it has cooled down. The maximum continuous operation time of the
motor and the time required for cooling down after overheating are specified in the
motor manual.
buttons for manual control of blinds/shutters / channels
– see Table 2.
How to use
short press
blind/shutter move one step up* / stop
long press
blind/shutter fully open
short press
blind/shutter move one step down* / stop
long press
blind/shutter fully closed
long press
starts process of blind/shutter travel time
detection (synchronization of blind/shutter with
* function available in normal operating mode (not available in service mode).
Pressing the button is interpreted by the module as a long press, when you press and
hold down the button for longer than 1 second.
Table 2.