Scene 1…8: initial value
– you can select how the initial value will be set for scenes after
starting/restarting the module.
The parameter is available, if the “yes” option is selected for
the “Learning scenes from bus” parameter.
– value defined in the program. If the object receives a telegram with the scene
r (“Scene 1...8: number” field), the blind and slats (if the blind has slats) are set to
the positions corresponding to the values defined for the scene with this number in
fields “Scene 1...8: position” and “Scene 1...8: position of slats”.
last set from bus
– the value learned via the last telegram from the bus. If the value of the
“Scene” object has not been changed by the learning function, the default value will be
Weather alarms
You can define reaction of the blind/shutter to a change of state of the safety-related
communication objects “Wind alarm”, “Rain alarm” and “Frost alarm”. For each the object,
you can define a different reaction (no reaction / fully opened / fully closed / stop). Regardless
of the selected blind/shutter type, reaction to weather alarms is defined in the same way.
Description of parameters
Alarm priority
– you can define priorities of each alarm, i.e. their hierarchy (where: 1 –
highest priority, 3
– lowest priority):
1: Frost; 2: Rain; 3: Wind
1: Frost; 2: Wind; 3: Rain
1: Rain; 2: Frost; 3: Wind
1: Rain; 2: Wind; 3: Frost
1: Wind; 2: Frost; 3: Rain
1: Wind; 2: Rain; 3: Frost
A weather alarm with higher priority can change the blind/shutter position set previously in
response to a lower priority alarm. On the other hand, weather alarms with lower priority
trigger no reaction in the channel as long as the channel is locked by a higher priority
Example for the “1: Frost; 2: Rain; 3: Wind” variant. If the blind/shutter is set in response to
the “Wind” alarm, and then the “Frost” alarm is triggered, the blind/shutter position will be
changed to a position defined as response to the “Frost” alarm. However, if the
position is set in response to the “Frost” alarm, the “Wind” and “Rain” alarms
will not change the blind/shutter
position until the “Frost” alarm is called off.
If you select this variant, the fields for defining the channel reaction to each weather alarm
will arrange in the order corresponding to their priorities.
The blind/shutter position set in response to the weather alarm can be overridden by
the position forcing function, which has the highest priority.
Reaction on frost alarm
– position to which the blind/shutter will be set in response to
change of state of the “Frost alarm" communication object (no reaction / fully opened /
fully closed / stop).