Scene 1: initial value
– you can select how the initial value is to be set for the scene 1 after
starting and restarting the module.
The parameter is available, if the “yes” option is
selected for the “Learning 1-bit scenes from bus” parameter.
– the value defined in the program. After receiving a telegram with value “0”, the
blind and slats (for slat-type blind) are set to the positions corresponding to the values
defined for the scene 1 in the fields “Scene 1: position” and “Scene 1: position of slats”.
last set from bus
– the value learned via the last telegram from the bus. If the object
value has not been changed by the learning function, the default value will be set.
Scene 2: initial value
– you can select how the initial value is to be set for the scene 2 after
starting and restarting the module. The parameter
is available, if the “yes” option is
selected for the “Learning 1-bit scenes from bus” parameter.
– the value defined in the program. After receiving telegram with value “1”, the
blind and slats (for slat-type blind) are set to the position corresponding to the values
defined for the scene 2 in the fields “Scene 2: position” and “Scene 2: position of slats”.
last set from bus
– the value learned via the last telegram from the bus. If the object
value has not been changed by the learning function, the default value will be set.
Initial values for the other scenes are defined in the same way as for the 1/2 pair.
For each channel in the module, 8 scenes can be defined. It enables management of up to
16 different scenes by using one group address. Communication with all participants linked in
scenes takes place through this group address. Just one telegram is needed to call up or
save a scene. Such a telegram contains the scene number and information on whether the
scene is to be called up and whether learning is to be enabled, during which the value
currently set in the channel will be saved for the scene with this number.
For each scene, you can set the following parameters:
scene number,
delay (time that must elapse from receiving the telegram to calling the scene),
percentage value of opening of for slat-type blind and slats (if the blind has slats) that will
be set in response to the scene.
Using the scenes eases the telegram traffic and relieves the bus. They enable all
information about what is to be done by the participants of scenes to be saved to the
module memory. This information is not sent when the scene is called up or saved.
What is sent is only the telegram triggering or saving the scene.
Depending on the type of for slat-type blind selected for the channel, different parameters are
displayed in the “Scene” tab.
Description of parameters