Zone disabling CHIME
[Chime bps. zone] – number of zone, which, if violated, will disable
the CHIME feature for specified time.
Bypass time
[Chime bps. time] – time during which the CHIME signal will be disabled after
violation of the zone which disables the signaling (time is counted from the zone restore). If
the value 0 is programmed, the signaling will not be disabled.
Fig. 4. Keypad parameters and options in D
X program.
Quick Arm partitions
[Quickarm part.] – the partitions which will be armed on touching
successively the keys: 0 , 1 , 2 or 3 (see U
Show entry delay of partitions
[Entry time p.] – the partitions, for which counting the entry
delay will be indicated by text appearing on the LCD display.
Show exit delay of partitions
[Exit time part.] – the partitions for which counting the exit
delay will be indicated by text appearing on the LCD display.
Keypad zones
– for each of the keypad zones can be defined whether it will be used or not.
– the backlight can go on optionally after a specific event in the system, e.g.
starting the entry delay countdown in a selected partition, or violating a selected zone.