The furnace grate was divided into a fixed part and the moving section. Cyc-
lically actuated moving grates driven by a eccentric mechanism enables evacu-
ation of fuel combustion residues from the furnace into the boiler chamber, i.e. the
ash in the form of slag. This solution is used to maintain the continuation furnace
in “clean” condition without interrupting the continuity of the combustion process.
After the furnace cleaning cycle, the moving grates take position in the slots of the
lower part of the furnace. The grate is positioned with a position control sensor
(hall effect sensor, see Fig.1 and Fig. 6). A small part of non-combustible fuel –
ash – remaining after combustion of biomass in the final stage of combustion is
transferred to the ash-box in which a drawer is situated. It must be cleaned perio-
dically (the ash resulting from the combustion process can be used as a fertilizer).
The frequency of drawer emptying depends on the quality of the pellet.
Correct operation of the moving grate mechanism requires a correct setting
of the Hall effect sensor. A distance between the position sensor and the moving
grate drive string should be 3 to 5 mm, these components should be aligned
The controller (temperature regulator) located in the upper boiler cover uses
the readings from the temperature sensors to control all regulating devices, en-
suring the efficient and economic use of available power in order to maintain the
operating conditions of the installation. An efficiently working boiler furnace burns
the amount of fuel necessary to maintain the temperature set on the regulator by
the user. Thus, the controller continuously measures a temperature of water in
the boiler, and on this basis appropriately controls operation of the boiler and the
fan. At the same time the controller controls operation of pumps: central heating,
domestic hot water, floor and circulating (if the heating system is equipped with
pumps). The boiler can also be used outside the heating season in a system with
an exchanger, for domestic hot water. In a system equipped with a mixing valve
Figure 1
Moving grate positioning sensor (hall effect sensor).