Sargent and Greenleaf
Revision 02/15/2022 Document: 630-600
3— Programming Commands
3.1— Command 22/33: Changing a PIN Code
Use Command 22/33 to change your own PIN Code. Always change codes with the safe door open. When changing a User Code, you
will enter both the 2-digit PIN position and the 6-digit PIN Code. The PIN position does not change.
To change a PIN Code, perform the following steps
(A PIN Code can contain any numbers/letters except # or *):
Try the new PIN Code at least three times to confirm operation before closing the safe door.
3.2— Command 32: Setting the Access Mode
The lock may be set for Multiple User, Manager/Employee, or Dual Control Modes.
Manager/Employee — The Group Officers or Administrators enable/disable the access of individual User Codes. When in
this mode, the Group Officer and Administrator Codes do not open the lock.
Dual Control — Two valid User Codes are required to make any programming changes or to open the lock. These may
be either User or Manager Codes. The second code must be entered within 60 seconds after entry of the first code. If time
delay is activated, only one code is required to start the time delay, but both codes must be entered during the opening
window to open the lock
Multiple User — The lock can be opened by entering any valid code, except for the Programming Code.
Enable the Manager/Employee Mode
Set the lock into Manager/Employee mode by performing the following steps:
Enable the Dual Control Mode
The lock may be set for Dual Control mode operation requiring two valid combinations to gain access to the secured arear. Change to dual
control by performing the following steps:
Changing the default officer code
1) Enter: 22* or 33*
1) Enter: 22*
2) Enter: Current Code + #
2) Enter: 02020202 #
3) Enter: New Code +#
3) Enter: 02695847 #
4) Enter: New Code + #
4) Enter: 02695847 #
Enabling Manager/Employee mode
1) Enter: 32*
1) Enter: 32*
2) Enter: Programmer Code + #
2) Enter: 00123456 #
3) Enter: Officer code +#
3) Enter: 02020202 #
4) Enter: 2 (Function Number) + #
4) Enter: 2 #
5) Enter: 2 (Function Number) + #
5) Enter: 2 #
Enabling Dual Control Mode
1) Enter: 32*
1) Enter: 32*
2) Enter: Programmer Code + #
2) Enter: 00123456 #
3) Enter: Officer code +#
3) Enter: 02020202 #
4) Enter: 3 (Function Number) + #
4) Enter: 3 #
5) Enter: 3 (Function Number) + #
5) Enter: 3 #