STR 2000 Series Transceiver Programming Manual
Sapling, Inc. 1633 Republic Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 Phone: (215) 322-6063
Fax: (215) 322-8498
Press the “Set Hour” button to enter technical mode which
starts with option 11. An “11” will appear on the left side
of the LED display, if the option was chosen in option 10.
This prompt allows you to set the data transmission.
Press the “Set Minute” button to scroll between “01-12”.
01 - Data is transmitted every second
07 - Data is transmitted every 2 minutes
02 - Data is transmitted every 5 seconds 08 - Data is transmitted every 5 minutes
03 - Data is transmitted every 10 seconds 09 - Data is transmitted every 10 minutes
04 - Data is transmitted every 15 seconds 10 - Data is transmitted every 15 minutes
05 - Data is transmitted every 30 seconds 11 - Data is transmitted every 30 minutes
06 - Data is transmitted every minute 12 - Data is transmitted every hour
Press the “Set Hour” button to enter option 12. A “12”
will appear on the left side of the LED display.
option allows the user to enable or disable Daylight
Savings Time.
Press the “Set Minute” button to scroll
between “E - D”. “E” will enable this option. “D” will
disable this option.
Press the “Set Hour” button to enter option 20. A “20”
will appear on the left side of the LED display.
option allows you to enter a programmable relay
output mode.
Press the “Set Minute” button to scroll
through “E - D”. Prompting “D” will go directly to
option 30. Prompting “E” will enter the programmable
relay output mode.
Press the “Set Hour” button to advance to option 10. A
“10” will appear on the left side of the LED display.
This prompt allows you to enter into technical mode.
If technical mode is desired, press the “Set Minute” to
“08” to enter technical mode. The scrolling will scroll
through “00-99”. Any other character will go directly
to option “20”.