The Sapling Company, Inc.
1633 Republic Road
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
P. (+1) 215.322.6063
F. (+1) 215.322.8498
Web Interface - Email Alerts
1. Email Recipient -
This field is where the user name of the e-mail recipient is entered. Do not enter the
domain and suffix. If the full address is [email protected], then johnsmith should be entered in this field.
2. Email Domain -
This field is where the user enters the domain name of the email recipient. Do not
enter the user name or the @. If the full address is [email protected], then domain.com should be
entered in this field.
3. Email Server -
This field is where the user enters the address of the local outgoing email server for the
email recipient. Consult with the network administrator for the email server address. Emails are sent using
4. NTP Synchronization Timeout -
When the box is checked, the repeater checks the amount of time
since the last time data signal has been received. If the amount of time recorded exceeds the amount of
time specified in the box to the right, then the repeater sends an email alert. If this option is selected, the
value in the box should be 1 or higher.
5. Restart -
When the box is checked, the repeater sends an email alert every time that it is restarted
(including after power loss or deactivation by the user).
6. Received Time Sync Change -
When the box is checked, the repeater will check to determine if the
latest synchronized time received from the master clock is greater than the stored time. If the time change
is larger than the value entered into the box on the right, then the repeater will send an email.
7. Submit -
When the button is clicked on, all of the settings on the page are saved and applied.