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Operation of Stress and Stiffness Detecting Sensors
The sensor employs two types of sensors; a STRESS sensor and a STIFFNESS sensor for
monitoring two physiological factors (pulse fluctuations and perspiration respectively).
Selecting the Full Auto Course and inputting
your age will measure your pulse fluctuations
(R-R intervals as seen in an electrocardiogram)
and determine the degree of stress.
Grip the sensor controller with the fingers of
both hands.
When stress measurement is completed, the
measured degree of stress is displayed.
This sensor detects the amount of stiffness you're feeling in your
body by sensing amount of perspiration (electrical skin resistance).
It then automatically adjusts to provide the best massage for your
body in the same way a professional sensors your stiffness with the
Grip the sensor controller with the fingers of one hands.
When stiffness measurement is completed, the measured degree
of stiffness is displayed.
The stiffness determined by a change in perspiration monitored will be indicated in real time
on a level meter of a remote control.
1;When relaxed, the perspiration tends to decrease.
2;When in normal condition, the perspiration shows less change.
3;When felt stiffened, the perspiration tends to increase.
4;When feeling a pain, the perspiration tends to significantly increase.
In the massage position display, the position where stiffness is detected (=the point needs
to be massaged) will be displayed.
How to measure stress
Grip the stress sensor with both hands to measure your
pulse fluctuations of R-R intervals as seen in an
electrocardiogram and determine the degree of stress.
The fluctuations of R-R intervals are called CVRR
(Coefficient of Variation of R-R Intervals).
The higher this value is, the more relaxed you are.
The lower it is, the more stress you are experiencing.
The CVRR index differs according to age, so input your
age for greater accuracy.
If your skin is dry, the degree of stress/stiffness may not be measured correctly.
In such a case, press the SENSOR ADJUST button (the SENSOR ADJUST lamp
is lit when the sensor adjustment mode is ON)
Areas where a high degree of stiffness has been detected.
Areas where a low degree of stiffness has been detected.
Body areas that can be massaged.
The sensor will display the positions of stiffness (those
where stiffness has been detected) by measuring the
amount of perspiration from your hand in reaction to
sensor massage.
Stiffness display
Indicates stiffness in real time by
monitoring fingers for any change
in perspiration during acupressure
Massage position display
Rear of sensor controller
Rear of sensor controller