Operating instruction SANOMAT - technical changes are subject to modifications and amendments - liability- and
warranty claims due to improper use are basically excluded - The design of the machine and several parts may vary from
pictures - the function stays the same
fig. 23
fig. 24
fig. 25
fig. 26
Reassembly of the whipping pipe:
Tip: When reassembling the whipping pipe always
begin with a whipping disc (plastic) and end with a
whipping disc.
Hold the whipping pipe in vertical position and insert the
pushing rod from the bottom. Insert a whipping disc, add an
intermediate disc (cone down). Alternating, add the
remaining whipping discs (13 pcs.) and intermediate discs
(12 pcs.), resp. insert the entire whipping column. (fig. 23)
Push the outlet part up to the stop onto the whipping pipe
and push in locking bolt into the outlet part. (fig. 24)
Turn the outlet part and whipping pipe upside-down, so that
the pushing rod is on top and remove the pushing rod.
Insert the inlet part into the whipping pipe. (fig. 25)
Slide the whipping assembly into the housing, turning lightly.
Turn and move the whipping pipe back and forth until the
locking device can be inserted all the way. (fig. 26)
Put on the hexagon nuts and tighten them alternately by
(existing provided) Place the spring and the magnetic core
in the upper closing unit and with the wrench screw the
upper closing unit onto the outlet part. (fig. 16, page 17)
(existing provided) Place magnet coil and hand nut on the
upper closing unit. (fig. 15, page 16) Tighten hand nut and
slide-on garnishing nozzle.
Insert the air regulation case, turning lightly until it locks
into the correct position:
The hole for suction pipe goes to the right, not to
the back!