Please ensure that the parts are completely dry after cleaning,
otherwise the risk of bacterial growth is increased.
Put the parts together again if these are completely dry and place
the parts in a dry, sealed container.
Ensure that the mesh atomiser (2) is completely dried off by the
shaking. Otherwise, the nebulisation may not work after reas-
sembling the device.
In this case, shake the mesh atomiser (2) again so that the water
can escape. The nebuliser should then work as normal.
Durability of materials
• The following point should be observed when selecting the
cleaning product or disinfectant: only use a mild cleaning
product or disinfectant in the concentration and volume pre-
scribed by the manufacturer.
• As with any plastic parts, the medication container with mesh
atomiser (2) and the accessories are affected by a certain
amount of wear and tear when used and hygienically prepared
on a frequent basis. Over time, this can lead to a change in
the aerosol, which can have a negative effect on the efficien-
cy of the treatment.
We therefore recommend that you replace the medication
container with mesh atomiser (2) and the accessories after
no more than a year.
• Do not store in damp conditions (such as in a bathroom) and
do not transport with any damp items.
• When storing and transporting, protect from prolonged di-
rect sunlight.