In this screen we can change the time we want to change with the
keys and
we can change the temperature type (economy or comfort) with the + and - keys. Once
we have made changes to this programme, we can move on to the next day or period by
pressing the OK key or returning to the home screen by pressing the PROG key.
3.1.8. Settings screen
On this screen, we can set the thermostat’s different settings. We access this screen
by pressing the MENU key on the home screen. Pressing the MENU key takes us back
to the home screen.
We select the setting we want to change with the + and – keys. Once selected, we press
OK to be able to change it with the + and - keys. Once we have made the changes, we
press OK again to confirm them.
The different settings we can select are:
Date and time: changes the year, month, date, day of the week, time in hours
and minutes of the device. By pressing OK we change the type of value.
Comfort temperature: allows us to change the comfort temperature.
Economy temperature: allows us to change the economy temperature.
Frost protection temperature: allows us to change the frost protection tempe-
RF: associates the device with a control box, the latter having to be in discovery
mode. It is equivalent to pressing the
key for 5 seconds.
3.1.9. Advanced settings
NOTE: these options can only be changed by a qualified technician.
If we press the MENU key for over 20 seconds, we access the installer advanced set-
tings menu.
Содержание TERMOWEB