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The ST3400H is an alerting system. It is intended for use in rotorcraft for
all phases of flight in VMC and in IMC while operating under instrument
flight rules (IFR).
Due to data limitations it is NOT guaranteed that every actual terrain or
obstacle conflict will produce an alert, and alerts generated may NOT
guarantee successful recovery due to factors such as pilot response, aircraft
performance and database limitations. No standardized recovery technique
is defined as recovery maneuvers may vary.
The ST3400H Terrain and Obstacle displays shall NOT be used for
The course line and present aircraft position shall NOT be used for
approach and departure navigation.
The Obstacle Database does not include power lines.
Low Sensitivity or Off Airport Modes must not be selected when operating
under IMC conditions except as required when performing offshore
platform IMC Approach Procedures or other Special Procedures.
The ST3400H must utilize FAA approved software version 1.01 or later
FAA approved version.
The “CRC Self Test Failed” message must not appear on power-up if flight
operations are predicated on the use of the ST3400H.
The ST3400H Pilots Guide, SPN 82046-PG (applicable revision) must be
immediately available to the flight crew.
Data loading and maintenance mode operation are prohibited during
normal flight operation.
Note: The Terrain and Obstacle Displays are intended to serve as a terrain
and awareness tool only. The Display and database may not provide the
accuracy or fidelity on which to base navigation decisions and plan routes
to avoid terrain or obstacles.