S&C Instruction Sheet 1022-540 7
Hardware and Software
Table 1. Data Displayed on the LCD Screen
Date, time
Present time and date
Line voltage (true RMS measured voltage); whether a voltage override is in effect
[Line kV]
Primary voltage (var control only)
[Line Amps]
Primary current (var control only)
Power factor; normal or reversed power-flow direction (var control only)
[Line kVAR]
Line kvar level (var control only)
[Line kW]
Line kW level (var control only)
[Line kVA]
Line kVA level (var control only)
Present ambient temperature
Closed/open status of the capacitor bank
Active event; if no event is active, the display reads **None/Unit OK**
The present operating mode of the IntelliCAP (hardware manual, software
manual, or automatic)
The automatic control strategy for the present season
The ID of the control software in the IntelliCap control
Total number of complete switching cycles since installation
The reason for the last switch in
The reason for the last switch out
Table 2 shows other possible operational information displayed, in order of precedence:
Table 2. Other Operating Information Displayed on the LCD Screen
[Faceplate Sw.Err]
Indicates a problem with one of the faceplate switches
[Voltage Sen Err]
Indicates the voltage sensor is reading outside its valid range or is faulty
[Temperat Sen Err]
Indicates the temperature sensor is reading outside its valid range or is faulty
[HiLoVoltBand Err]
Indicates the
Bank Voltage Margin setpoint is greater than the
difference between the
High Voltage Override setpoint and the Low Voltage
Override setpoint
[Close In ## secs]
Indicates the number of seconds left until the control operates the bank
[Open In ## secs]
Indicates the number of seconds left until the control operates the bank
[Reclose Block]
Displays when trying to close the bank while the reclose block delay is in effect
See Instruction Sheet 1022-550, “S&C IntelliCap
Automatic Capacitor Control:
,” for more information about correcting errors.
Control Software
S&C control operation is software-driven. IntelliCap controls include factory-installed
control software. IntelliLink Setup Software must be installed on the computer used with
the control.
The control software manages minute-by-minute functioning of the IntelliCap control.
It continually monitors:
• Voltage on the feeder
• The position of faceplate switches
• Ambient air temperature at the control
• The control clock and calendar
• Software setpoint values
• Various other setpoints and data values
Based on this information, the control software decides how to respond to a change in
voltage, a faceplate command, and other conditions. The control software, setpoint values,
and historical data are stored in non-volatile memory that will survive a power interruption.