DVD Player
In the time when compound video output is used in
this unit, you may select either of the two items.
In the case of available scanning functions by lines,
you may select TV-RGB/P-SCAN
Initial setup is: TV- RGB
Percentage of Screen Frame
16: 9
(wide screen): Select this item when this unit
connects a wide screen television unit.
(Mailbox): As for televisions of general sizes,
please select this item. The top and bottom of the
television screen will appear black rims in the time of
playing wide screen pictures.
(Full scene scan): Adaptable to televisions
of general sizes. In the time of playing wide screen
pictures, the left and right rims of pictures will be cut
and the pictures will be shown on the full screen.
Initial setup is: 4:3PS (Full scene scan).
1. The playing effect bears relevance to the recorded frames
of a disk. Some of the disks will probably fail to be played
according to the size or frame you select.
2. As for the disk of 4:3 mode, no matter what you set
the percentage of the frame, the percentage played
is only and just
3. The selection of percentage of screen frame should
be subject to the percentage of the screen of the te-
levision you are actually using.
The initial setup of this item is the state of „PASSWORD
LOCKED”. At this time you cannot select the „RATING”,
and neither can you modify the password. In the case of
any necessary setup for the „rating”, you must press the
numeric keys to key in the initial password for this unit:
0000, and then press the SELECT key for confirmation; if
you want to modify the password, you must first of all input
the old password before you do the new (The valid pas-
sword is 4-digit.).
When you play the disk of lock functions, you may select
the control rating by suitable ages according to the rating
classified by the disk or your actual requirements.
– The control rating by ages is: 8 item.
Initial setup is: 8 ADULT.
Only when the PASSWORD is unlocked can you select
the rating; and only when the PASSWORD is locked can
the restriction play its role.