© 2007 Buyers Laboratory Inc. WARNING: This material is copyrighted by Buyers Laboratory Inc. and is the sole property of Buyers Laboratory. Duplication of this proprietary report or excerpts from this report, in any man-
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Samsung SCX-6345N
Buyers LaBoratory
Lab TesT RepoRT
© 2007 Buyers Laboratory Inc. WARNING: This material is copyrighted by Buyers Laboratory Inc. and is the sole property of Buyers Laboratory. Duplication of this proprietary report or excerpts from this report, in any man-
ner, whether printed or electronic (including, but not limited to, copying, faxing, scanning or use on a fax-back system), is illegal and strictly forbidden without written permission from Buyers Laboratory. Violators will be pros-
ecuted to the fullest extent of the law. To purchase reprints of any BLI reports or articles, contact BLI at (201) 488-0404. Buyers Laboratory Inc., 20 Railroad Avenue, Hackensack, NJ 07601. Contact us at [email protected].
Samsung SCX-6345N
Buyers LaBoratory
Lab TesT RepoRT
The unit is bundled with the Set IP utility, Smart Panel Util-
ity and SyncThru, which is a configuration program that helps
to manage network printers and provides an advanced auto
detection feature to detect printers installed on the network.
Users can see the current status of the printer in SyncThru
(Ready, Printing, Offline, etc.), and the utility also collects
network statistics and error messages for troubleshooting.
The Smart Panel Utility provides pop-up messages and trou-
bleshooting information for errors and warnings.
Embedded Web page:
Yes. The Samsung SCX-6345N’s embedded Web page allows the
user or administrator to view printer status and remaining life
of consumables (such as the percentage of drum life remain-
ing); view/modify printer settings; print usage and configu
ration reports; and view basic printer information (such as
memory and options installed).
Consumables monitoring:
Yes, via the embedded Web page, SyncThru Admin or Smart
Panel. The user or administrator can view remaining life of
consumables, which includes a percentage of life remaining
for the toner and drum, the size and type of paper in each
drawer and if there are any warnings for the paper drawers,
indicated by “Empty” or “Ready.”
aDMINIStratIve utILItIeS
This report has been reproduced with the written permission of Buyers Laboratory Inc. Any duplication of this report, in whole or part, in any form or manner,
without the written permission of Buyers Laboratory, is unlawful and violators will be prosecuted. © 2007 Buyers Laboratory Inc. To purchase reprints,
contact BLI at (201) 488-0404 (x17) or at [email protected].