© 2007 Buyers Laboratory Inc. WARNING: This material is copyrighted by Buyers Laboratory Inc. and is the sole property of Buyers Laboratory. Duplication of this proprietary report or excerpts from this report, in any man-
ner, whether printed or electronic (including, but not limited to, copying, faxing, scanning or use on a fax-back system), is illegal and strictly forbidden without written permission from Buyers Laboratory. Violators will be pros-
ecuted to the fullest extent of the law. To purchase reprints of any BLI reports or articles, contact BLI at (201) 488-0404. Buyers Laboratory Inc., 20 Railroad Avenue, Hackensack, NJ 07601. Contact us at [email protected].
Samsung SCX-6345N
Buyers LaBoratory
Lab TesT RepoRT
© 2007 Buyers Laboratory Inc. WARNING: This material is copyrighted by Buyers Laboratory Inc. and is the sole property of Buyers Laboratory. Duplication of this proprietary report or excerpts from this report, in any man-
ner, whether printed or electronic (including, but not limited to, copying, faxing, scanning or use on a fax-back system), is illegal and strictly forbidden without written permission from Buyers Laboratory. Violators will be pros-
ecuted to the fullest extent of the law. To purchase reprints of any BLI reports or articles, contact BLI at (201) 488-0404. Buyers Laboratory Inc., 20 Railroad Avenue, Hackensack, NJ 07601. Contact us at [email protected].
Samsung SCX-6345N
Buyers LaBoratory
Lab TesT RepoRT
SuPPortING teSt Data
Test Environment
This product was tested in BLI’s 10,000-square-foot test lab, in an environment
monitored by a Honeywell Temp/RH chart recorder, which replicates typical office
Test Equipment
BLI’s dedicated test network, consisting of Windows 2000 and Microsoft Exchange
servers, Windows XP workstations, 10BaseT/100BaseTX network switches and CAT5
Test Duration
Products are tested for two months, one month of which consists of a durability
test during which the product is run at its manufacturer-rated maximum monthly
volume, with daily volumes divided evenly over the course of the test.
Tested Configuration
Samsung SCX-6345N base unit with optional fax kit, paper tray and finisher.
Test Procedures
The test methods and procedures employed by BLI in its lab testing include BLI’s pro-
prietary procedures and industry-standard test procedures, including a BLI-devel-
oped variation of ASTM’s 1318-90 Test Method for Determination of Productivity
using Electrostatic Copy Machines. In addition to a number of proprietary test docu-
ments, BLI uses an industry-standard Katun test original for evaluating black image
quality and test suites from Quality Logic to evaluate applications compatibility. In
addition to a visual observation, color print quality is tested using the ANSI standard
IT8 Color Test Target, which is read using the Minolta CM503I Spectrophotometer,
and samples are analyzed using the CIE XY Chromaticity Diagram. In addition,
density of black and color output is measured using an X-Rite 428 Densitometer.
Georgia-Pacific Spectrum Multi-Use 20-lb. bond is used in the tests, 10 percent of
which is recycled paper containing 30 percent post-consumer content. Image quality
is tested using Georgia-Pacific Printing Paper (95 brightness, 22-lb. bond).
SuPPortING teSt Data
Buyers Laboratory Inc. • 20 Railroad Avenue • Hackensack, NJ 07601 • USA • (201) 488-0404
Michael Danziger
Mark Lerch
Anthony F. Polifrone
Managing Director
Daria M. Hoffman
Managing Editor
Lynn Nannariello
Asst. Managing Editor
Marlene Orr
Printer Industry Analyst
Tracie Hines
Associate Editor
George Mikolay
Associate Editor
Carl Schell
Associate Editor
Timothy Captain
Associate Editor
Jamie Bsales
Associate Editor
Lisa Reider
Research Editor
Marc Bussanich
Technical Analyst
Pete Emory
Manager of Laboratory
Pia Beddiges
Manager of Competitive Services
Ken Nardone
Technical Manager, Field Testing
Anthony Marchesini
IT Director
T. R. Patrick
Art Director
This report has been reproduced with the written permission of Buyers Laboratory Inc. Any duplication of this report, in whole or part, in any form or manner,
without the written permission of Buyers Laboratory, is unlawful and violators will be prosecuted. © 2007 Buyers Laboratory Inc. To purchase reprints,
contact BLI at (201) 488-0404 (x17) or at [email protected].