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© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
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Hotel Service
This is the hotel service function.
Please refer to the ‘SCM Express PMS Interoperability Guide’
PMS Interface
This is the PMS interface function.
Please refer to the ‘SCM Express PMS Interoperability Guide’
Hot Desking
The hot desking feature allows a user to log in from a phone shared by multiple users.
The user can use a phone in the logged out status to enter his/her ID and password to log in
and use the phone as his/her own phone until logged out. A logout button is included in
Samsung phones’ soft buttons. Pressing this logs the phone out.
If the user leaves the phone without logging it out, it is automatically logged out after a set
period of time, preventing unauthorized users from using the phone. The default login
expiration time is 8 hours.
If the user is already logged in through a phone but requests for login again through another
phone using the same user ID, the new login request is processed by logging the previous
phone out.
Hot Line and Warm Line
The hot line feature allows automatic connection to a specified number when the handset of
the selected phone is lifted.
If the call is connected without delay when the handset is lifted, it is called a hot line.
If the call is automatically connected when the handset is lifted but no number is dialed for
a set period of time, it is called a warm line.
Hunt Group
The hunt group service directs calls received by the pilot number of a hunt group
appropriately within the hunt group using various routing methods.
When calls are received for a hunt group, the available member list excludes members
unable to receive calls because they are unavailable, are subject to incoming call restriction
policies, have logged out of the system, have user information that is locked out, or do not
have their phones connected.
Called parties for calls received for a hunt group are determined in the following four ways.
The call is always directed to the first member in the hunt group. The call is directed to
the next member only if the previous member is on the line or unavailable.
When a call is received for the hunt group, the call is directed to the person on the hunt
group member list after the one who answered the previous call. If the member to
whom the call is directed is on the line or unavailable, the call is directed to the next