ANNEX C. Open Source Announcement
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University of Washington's Free-Fork License
University of Washington IMAP toolkit
Version 2003 of IMAP toolkit
Copyright 1988-2003 University of Washington
This University of Washington Distribution (code and documentation) is made available to the open source community as a public service by
the University of Washington. Contact the University of Washington at [email protected] for information on other licensing
arrangements (e.g. for use in proprietary applications).
Under this license, this Distribution may be modified and the original version and modified versions may be copied, distributed, publicly
displayed and performed provided that the following conditions are met:
(1) modified versions are distributed with source code and documentation and with permission for others to use any code and documentation
(whether in original or modified versions) as granted under this license;
(2) if modified, the source code, documentation, and user run-time elements should be clearly labeled by placing an identifier of origin (such
as a name, initial, or other tag) after the version number;
(3) users, modifiers, distributors, and others coming into possession or using the Distribution in original or modified form accept the entire risk
as to the possession, use, and performance of the Distribution;
(4) this copyright management information (software identifier and version number, copyright notice and license) shall be retained in all
versions of the Distribution;
(5) the University of Washington may make modifications to the Distribution that are substantially similar to modified versions of the
Distribution, and may make, use, sell, copy, distribute, publicly display, and perform such modifications, including making such modifications
available under this or other licenses, without obligation or restriction;
(6) modifications incorporating code, libraries, and/or documentation subject to any other open source license may be made, and the resulting
work may be distributed under the terms of such open source license if required by that open source license, but doing so will not affect this
Distribution, other modifications made under this license or modifications made under other University of Washington licensing arrangements;
(7) no permission is granted to distribute, publicly display, or publicly perform modifications to the Distribution made using proprietary
materials that cannot be released in source format under conditions of this license;
(8) the name of the University of Washington may not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to Distribution of the software without
specific, prior written permission.
This software is made available "as is", and