Settings
Other
settings
Configure
features
on
your
device
that
make
it
easier
to
use.
Help
View
the
user
manual
on
your
device.
◌
From
Settings,
tap
Help
.
Manage
game
features
Automatically
arrange
all
your
games
in
one
place.
For
more
information
on
Game
Launcher,
visit
.
◌
From
Settings,
tap
Advanced
features
for
the
following
options:
•
Game
Launcher
:
Organize
all
your
games
in
one
place
and
access
extra
features.
•
Game
Tools
:
Access
useful
options
and
features
that
enhance
your
gameplay
experience.
Dual
Messenger
Use
two
separate
accounts
for
the
same
app.
1.
From
Settings,
tap
Advanced
features
>
Dual
Messenger
.
2.
Tap
next
to
supported
apps
to
enable
the
feature
for
each
app.
l
To
select
which
contacts
have
access
to
the
secondary
messenger
app,
tap
Use
separate
contacts
list
.