no AC output - Green LeD is on, Red LeD is on, Yellow LeD is oFF
and Buzzer is oFF
1. Inverter has shut down due to internal short circuit / overload
2. Inverter has shut down due to short circuit / overload in the AC load connected to the inverter
3. Inverter has shut down due to leakage in the AC Load
Switch off and disconnect the load
The unit will be latched in shutdown condition and will require manual reset. Switch off the
on / off switch and wait for 3 minutes. Switch on the on / off switch to reset the unit
IF Cause #1:
If the unit shows the same symptoms on no load, the unit is defective. Call Tech Support
IF Cause #2:
Check that there is no short circuit in the AC load and that the rating of the load is not > 450
W continuous or > 900 W surge.
Power a different good load of up to 450 W and confirm that the unit does not shut down
IF Cause #3:
Power a different good load of up to 450 W and confirm that the unit does not shut down
Check that there is no leakage in the load that created shut down. Leakage will occur if
there is a direct short or electrical path from live, current carrying section in the load to the
chassis of the load. remove faulty load.
AC output is Available - Green LeD is on, Red LeD is oFF, Yellow LeD is oFF,
Buzzer is on
PoSSIBLe CAUSe: Low DC input voltage alarm due to DC input voltage < 10.5 VDC. Will automati-
cally reset when > 10.5 VDC.
Low battery terminal voltage. recharge the battery. If battery voltage does not rise to fully
charged voltage even after long charging time. replace the battery
Excessive drop in DC input wires due to thin DC input wires. Check firmness of connections
and increase wire size
If the battery terminals read higher voltage at no load but the terminal voltage drops ap-
preciably when the load is turned on, the battery may have sulfated due to undercharging.
Equalize the battery (only flooded or wet cell types).
Some loads do not power up properly.
PoSSIBLe CAUSeS: If these are connected permanently to the inverter, are in oN condition always
and these are switched oN and off using the on / off Switch of the inverter. Extremely high reac-
tive inrush currents during the voltage ramp up of soft start phase on switching on of the inverter
drives the inverter into hiccup and subsequent overload.
Always switch on the inverter first and then the AC load.
In order to reduce the inrush current, add a small resistive load like incandescent lamp and
this may allow normal startup
AC output voltage reads low ( 192 to 208 VAC) when measured with
an ordinary voltmeter
The voltmeter being used is not designed to read the true rMS value of modified sine wave-form
Use a voltmeter which is designed to measure “true rMS values” like fluke 87,
fluke 8060A, etc.