tendency to deteriorate in the course of time, therefore, sooner or later it will be
necessary to replace the old lubricant with new. Bearings, which are dismantled,
are, of course, much more easily cleaned than bearings, which stay in assembled
equipment. Solvents may be used more freely and effectively.
For cleaning bearings without dismounting, hot light oil at 180
- 200
F may be
flushed through the housing while the shaft is slowly rotated. Light transformer
oils, spindle oils, or automotive flushing oils are suitable for cleaning bearings, but
anything heavier than light motor oil (SAE 10) is not recommended. The use of
chlorinated solvents of any kind is not recommended in bearing cleaning.
Grease lubrication pumps are shipped with grease in bearing housings.
1. Thoroughly clean grease fitting and outside of bearing housing.
2. Remove drain plug.
3. Inject clean, new grease forcing out the old.
4. Start and run the pump for a short time to eject any excess grease.
5. Wipe off all excess grease and replace drain plug
Wear Ring Clearance:
Running fits between wear rings is given under the pump specifications. When
these clearances are doubled, or the capacity of the pump is reduced by 5 to
10%, the rings should be renewed. The purpose of these rings is to keep internal
bypassing of the liquid being pumped to a minimum. Clearances should be
checked periodically and whenever the pump casing is opened. Check with feeler
gauge or by direct measurement. Measure ID of case ring and OD of impeller
ring, then compute clearance (ID minus OD).
Remove the coupling guard and disconnect coupling halves.
2. Disconnect any piping from the upper half casing that will interfere with
its removal.
3. Remove the glands (Part no.17)and the gland bolts ( Part no.17B)
4. Remove the steady pin from casing.
5. Remove casing fixing bolts and the bearing housing fixing bolts from the
lower casing.
6. Drain oil from the bearing housing (Part no. 350) (oil lubricated ball
bearing units only).
7. Remove the outboard oil reservoir with bolting.
8. Screw jackscrews down to separate upper and lower case.
9. Lift upper casing ( Part no. 1A)straight up until clear of the impeller.
10. Place slings around the shaft near the bearing housings and lift rotating
element from lower casing
11. Place rotating element in a clean, dry work area for necessary
disassembly. Case wear Rings will be loose on assembly.