METHOD: Wash and dry chicken inside and out. Mix salt, pepper, herbs and tumeric and
sprinkle over chicken. Place onion inside cavity of chicken and tie legs. Heat oil and butter in
frying pan to about 180°C until butter begins to foam. Fry chicken until nicely browned all over.
Turn heat down to approximately 120°C. Cover and roast chicken for about 1 hour, turning
every 15 minutes. Season potatoes and sprinkle with flour. Add potatoes to frying pan for the
last 30 minutes of cooking. Roast with the chicken, turning regularly.
750g lamb shoulder
300ml water
cut in 2.5cm pieces
5ml salt
30ml cooking oil
8 to 10 small whole onions
1 x 300ml can condensed
300ml canned peas
tomato soup
METHOD: Preheat frying pan. Heat the cooking oil and brown the meat. Skim off the excess
fat as it accumulates. Combine the tomato soup, water and salt and pour over the meat. Add
the onions. Reduce the heat. Cover and cook for 1 hour or until the meat is tender. Add peas
just before serving and reheat. Serve hot from the frying pan.
750g round steak cut into strips
300ml sour cream
Flour, salt and pepper
1can tomato soup
30ml shortening
15ml Worcestershire sauce
150ml chopped onions
6 to 8 drops Tabasco sauce
1 clove garlic, minced
2.5ml salt
1 x 200g can mushrooms
1ml pepper
METHOD: Preheat the frying pan to 180°C. Dredge meat in seasoned flour. Melt shortening
and brown meat well. Add onions, garlic and mushrooms and sauté lightly. Reduce heat to