The Hanwha SPC-7000 keypad can be used to quickly navigate between workspaces, cameras,
views, PTZ presets, and access other CompleteView 20/20 functions.
Hanwha SPC-7000 Keypad Functions
The diagram below provides an overview of the keypad mappings specific to CompleteView
20/20. Consult the table below for more detail.
Not that the Hanwha SPC-7000 keypad cannot recognize multiple keys pressed at the same time
(i.e. Shift + Menu/Mouse). For multi-key inputs, depress the keys in succession.
: Press shift, fully release shift, and then hit the Menu/Mouse button.
A Word About the Navigation Keys
Layout/Seq, Search, and Freeze/Alarm are designed to work with multiple opened dock win-
dows. The control board input only affects the active window. The Layout/Seq, Search, and