visible spectrum light, to the infrared, receiving these last ones
the denomination of IRED (Infra Red Emitting Diode).
Circuit breaker.-
A circuit breaker or switch, is a device ready
to break the electrical current of a circuit when it overcomes the
maximum set values.
On-Line mode.-
Regarding to an equipment, it is on line when
it is connected to the system, and it is in operation, and usually
has its power supply turned on.
An inverter, is a circuit used to convert direct current
into alternating current. The function of an inverter is to change
an input voltage of direct current into a symmetrical output
voltage of alternating current, with the required magnitude and
frequency by the user or the designer.
In electronic, a rectifier is the element or circuit that
allows to convert the alternating current into direct current. This
is done by rectifier diodes, which can be solid state semicon-
ductors, vacuum or gassy valves as the mercury vapour. De-
pending on the features of the alternating current power supply
used, it is classified as single phase, when they are fed by a
single phase electrical mains, or three phase when they are fed
by the three phases. Depending on the rectification type, they
can be half wave, when only one of the current semi-cycles is
used, or full wave, where both semi-cycles are used.
The relay(in French relais, relief) is an electromechanical
device that works as a switch controlled by an electric circuit
where, through an electromagnet, a set of contacts are moved and
it allows to open or to close other independent electric circuits.
Electrical enclosure.-
Part of the equipment destined to limit
the access to those parts that could have HAZARDOUS VOLT-
AGES or DANGEROUS ENERGY LEVELS or to be in TNV circuits.
Part of the equipment that, in normal operating conditions, ap-
plies one of the following conditions:
There is access to this part without any tool.
The access mean is allowed to the operator deliberately.
The operator is trained to have access regardless of a tool
is needed or not.
The “access” and “accessible” terms, unless otherwise noted,
are applied to OPERATOR ACCESS AREA as it has been stated
Part of the equipment, different to the OPERATOR ACCESS
AREA, which the MAINTENANCE STAFF needs access, even
with the equipment turned on.
Location for the equipment that the following conditions are
MAINTENANCE STAFF or END-USERS properly trained in
the reasons of the restrictions applied to both over the loca-
tion and over any caution that has to be kept in mind, can
have access only; and
The access is by means of a tool or a lock with key or other
safety means, and it is controlled by the responsible au-
thority of the location.
Person with the duly technical training and the needed ex-
perience to be aware of both the danger that he can be
exposed to when carrying a determined task out and the
means to minimize the risks to other persons and himself.
Any person different from the MAINTENANCE STAFF.
It is used the END-USER or OPERATOR term.
Person with the duly technical training and the needed ex-
perience to be aware of both the danger that he can be
exposed to when carrying a determined task out and the
means to minimize the risks to other persons and himself.