40 COM or USB port. Connector (X31
Basically is a RS232 communication through a physical connec-
tion of a USB connector. USB and DB9 of the RS232/RS485 can
not be used simultaneously because they are mutually exclu-
sive, with the USB as a priority.
As well as the RS232/RS485 port, it is a serial data transmis-
sion and it is used to connect the UPS with any machine or
device with USB connector.
When connecting the UPS to an IT equipment, the driver in-
stalled in the IT device is started automatically, being able to
establish the communication between both USB ports. Notice
that this process takes its time, because it depends on different
external factors (IT equipment, internet line,...).
In case the driver was not found in the IT equipment, go to the
following website, and find the needed driver in section "VCP
Drivers", download it and install it:
Physical structure of the USB port.
Pin 1. VCC. Isolated v5 V.
Pin 2. D–. Data –.
Pin 3. D+. Data +.
Pin 4. GND. Ground signal.
Communication protocol.
The used communication protocol is «MASTER/SLAVE» type.
The computer or IT system («MASTER») asks about a particular
data, and the UPS («SLAVE») answers with the required data.
In case this communication was required to connect an equip-
ment, ask for the IN467*01 protocol.
Firstly, the communication channel of the computer has to set with
the same parameters of the UPS communication channel.
Then, they will be ready to start the communication and there-
fore to send the first UPS question.
In case there was a problem in the communication, it is better
to repeate the sequence of initialization of the channel.
The communication parameters are:
Baud rate: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 or 19200 Bauds.
Information bits: 8 Bits.
Stop bits: 1 or 2 Bits.
Parity type: Even, Odd or None.
The base of the front door
has a slot to allow the entrance
of the communication cables from outside to the UPS. Be careful
to not trap them between the edges of the door and the cabinet,
when closing it.
5.2.8. EPO terminals (X50).
All UPSs have two terminals to install an external emergency
button to shutdown the output (EPO).
In case it was required to install a switch or button (EPO) in a
single equipment, the cable bridge that closes the circuit has to
be removed from terminal strip
For a parallel system, two different solutions can be applied,
which are the following:
Connect the button (EPO) in only one equipment of the par-
allel system. Remove the cable bridge from terminals
in the equipment that it is only connected.
In case of fault and removing of the equipment that has
physically connected the button (EPO), there is the risk of
leaving the system without the emergency stopping, unless
it is reconnected to the other operative UPSs.
Connect a button (EPO) to each equipment of the parallel
system. To do that, remove all the cable bridges from termi-
in each equipment.
Therefore, the functionality of the (EPO) will be kept in each
one of them, regardless what occurs in the rest of equip-
ments of the parallel system.
By means of the own communication BUS among the equip-
ments that make the parallel system, any action over any button
will affect to the whole.
Fig. 37.
Connection terminals for emergency shutdown switch or
button (EPO), belonging to the end/user.
In any case, the switch or button (EPO) has to be normally closed
(NC), so the emergency shutdown order will be triggered when
opening the circuit between these terminals
To restore the UPS to normal mode, invert the position of the
switch or button (EPO), -close the circuit between the terminals
-, unblock the button.
To know the operating of (EPO), see section 6.6. of this manual.
The base of front door
has a slot to facilitate the entering and
way out of the communication cables inside the UPS. Watch to not
trap them between the door and cabinet when closing it.
5.2.9. Auxiliary contact and battery temperature probe
terminal strip.
All the equipments are provided with terminal strip that cor-
responds to the auxiliary contacts of manual bypass
Also in the equipments either with separate battery cabinet
(models >20 kVA (LV) / >40 kVA (HV)) or in B1 equipments,
the additional terminal strip
are supplied, to connect the
battery temperature probe that allows compensating the floating
voltage according to the ambient temperature.
Any wire connected to the terminals
, will
be entered into the equipment through the cable bushing