NZFS 15-15-8000 VisualPet User’s Manual
Iss: VPetNZFS 06/09
Sea Air & Land Communications Ltd.
Page 16 of 23
Message Router
The message router allow users to see the transactions and messages being accepted and delivered
by VisualPet. To view the router screen use
File > View Router
, this will display the screen below:
The router screen displays information about each message into and out of VisualPet.
The top left screen shows all messages that have been recently routed.
The bottom left shows the status and port settings for all running protocols. (nb: you may see
protocols here that were not available in the delivery options for a contact, this is because some of
the protocols shown here are input only).
Clear Onscreen Log
button will clean the operation log screen
Operation History
top right will show how many messages have been successfully routed, are
in progress or have failed.