Manual for PCD7.L6xx room controllers���Document �6���������n�l�s��� �ers��on ������������������
��Document �6���������n�l�s��� �ers��on ������������������
��Document �6���������n�l�s��� �ers��on ������������������
Document �6���������n�l�s��� �ers��on ������������������
Document �6���������n�l�s��� �ers��on ������������������
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Controls Ltd.
D���tal room control un�ts�
Tec��n�cal data
leas�t �� s�econd. T��e d�s�play t��en s���ows� t��e currently
confi�ured addres�s�. T��e and keys� can be
us�ed to mod�fy t��e addres�s� �n t��e ran�e from �…4.
Factory s�ett�n�: ��
Temperature meas�urement
T��e �nte�rated temperature s�ens�or can be us�ed to
meas�ure t��e room temperature.
To act��ate parameter�s�at�on, t��e , , and
keys� s���ould be pres�s�ed to�et��er. T��e
temperature s�ymbol on t��e d�s�play w�ll t��en flas��� and
t��e current s�ett�n� w�ll be d�s�played.
OFF: Temperature meas�urement d�s�abled
If t��e room controller us�es� t��e temperature
from t��e room control un�t, t��e current
room temperature �n t��e room controller w�ll become
�n�al�d (����.���C). See room controller confi�urat�on.
O��: Temperature meas�urement �s� enabled. T��e room
temperature w�ll be trans�m�tted after any �.��C
c��an�e or after ��� m�nutes� w�t��out any c��an�e.
O�� w�t�� temperature d�s�play: Temperature
meas�urement �s� enabled and t��e current room
temperature w�ll be permanently s���own on t��e
Factory s�ett�n�: OFF
Reta�n s�ett�n�s�
T��e s�ett�n�s� for t��e fan and t��e s�et�po�nt
d�s�placement may be permanently appl�cable or only
�al�d for t��e current confi�urat�on s�tep.
Reta�n s�ett�n�s�
Pres�s� and keys� to�et��er for at leas�t �
s�econds�. T��e temperature and fan s�ymbols� w�ll flas���
and s�tatus� O�� w�ll be d�s�played.
Sett�n�s� are only �al�d for t��e current confi�urat�on
Pres�s� and keys� to�et��er for at leas�t �
s�econds�. T��e temperature and fan s�ymbols� w�ll flas���
and s�tatus� OFF w�ll be d�s�played.
Factory s�ett�n�: O��
Bl�nd rotat�on
T��e rotat�on funct�on can be us�ed to control �enet�an
bl�nds�. W��en act��e, t��e rotat�on command �s� �s�s�ued
w�t�� t��e key.