Controls Ltd.
Manual Modem PCDxx7 Serie│Doc. 26/793; Ed. E2│30.04.2005
Appendix 2, Error Codes
Appendix 2, Error Codes
9.2.1 Error returned by the Modem Driver function
Error during initialization
Error number Description
Not valid COM port number
Not enough S7 memory to create the Buffer, but will be possible if you Com-
press the S7 memory.
Not enough S7 memory to create the Buffer, even if you compress the Com-
press the S7 memory.
Not valid interface parameters (BaudRate, DataBit, StopBit or Parity)
Not valid value in ZVZ or QVZ Parameter
Not valid value in SENDBuffer or RCVBuffer Parameter
The total memory of the RCVBuffer and the SENDBuffer is bigger than the
64k Bytes allowed
The SFC was called with the sum of the parameter RCVBuffer and the
SENDBuffer different from the first call of the SFC.
Error in Receiving
Error number Description
Length too long compare to the buffer size
Invalid com port
COM port not initialized
Invalid DB number
DB not loaded
Error in Sending
Error number Description
DB is not loaded
Invalid length
Invalid DB number
Can’t execute function, because already being executed
Error during Init modem or Reset modem
Error number Description
Modem didn’t answer during the preset time
Modem returned an answer which could not be identified
Invalid DB number
Can’t execute function, because already being executed
In all this case, the ERROR bit will be set and the error code will be returned through
the RET_VAL parameter. The driver will not be initialized correctly and can’t be oper-
ated. Parameters have to be corrected and a restart of the driver will be necessary.
To restart the driver the flag START_FLAG has to be reset.