5.3.2 – Connection in wireless mode
Switch ON and connect the transmitter SG AIRBOX (sold separately) to a DMX console and
set it up as transmitter (TX) by pressing down the green button.
In the projector go under the submenu WIRELESS and set RECEIVER=ON –
TRANSMITTER=OFF, press ENTER. The wireless status indicator on the display will be ON.
For details about this indicator, please check the table below.
Set the DMX address and DMX channel mode and come back to the main menu.
The wireless status indicator and DMX LED status on the display can have the following
DMX led status and
wireless indicator
Both blinking red color
DMX not connected e wireless transmitter OFF or
not linked with the projector
Both blinking but:
DMX red – Wireless green
DMX not connected, transmitter ON and linked with
the projector
Both fixed green color
DMX connected, trasmitter ON and linked with the
It is important to link the projector and the transmitter by following next indications:
After switched ON the projector and the wireless transmitter, if there aren’t other
transmitters to link with the projector, the projector will automatically link with the
last transmitter previously linked.
If, on the contrary, it is necessary to link the projector to a new transmitter, the old
instructions of the previous link must be deleted. For this reason
Enter in the submenu RELEASE, press ENTER and next press one of the buttons
UP or DOWN and wait that the message “Clear connect – SUCCESS” disappear
from the display
In order to link the projector and the new transmitter, please follow next indications:
Press and release the PAIRING button on the transmitter
When the wireless indicator on the display will be green, the link was successful.
If the transmitter is still not connected to the DMX controller, the wireless
indicator on the display will be blinking green, otherwise it will be fixed green.
It is possible to unlink at the same time one group of projectors from the transmitter to which
they are linked: press and hold, for approximately 5 seconds, the PAIRING button of the
transmitter and release when the wireless LED status of the transmitter starts to blink. In this
way all the linked projectors will be unlinked (wireless indicator blinking red).
DMX controller