Running a Test
IMPORTANT: Each a/b test pack contains two test tickets. You MUST run
both tickets for a complete test because the tickets are sensitive to different
contaminants.. The A ticket is most sensitive to carbamates, the B ticket is most
sensitive to organophosphates.
1. Open the foil pouch and remove the test tickets. (001a ticket & 001b ticket
each per test packet). The test tickets are liquid-based lateral flow assays
(LFA), thus requiring the cannabis sample (raw flower or trim) to be “washed”
so that any pesticides/toxic compounds will be suspended in an aqueous
matrix prior to running on both test tickets in each a/b test pack .
2. Fill the Ziplock™ bag with 5 mL of reverse osmosis (RO) water and place
1/2 gram (0.5g) of cannabis into the bag. For best results, break up the
cannabis if in bud form and saturate thoroughly, by gently rubbing and
tilting the bag side to side to ensure the cannabis is completely mixed and
saturated for at least 1 minute .
3 . Now, the water extract will be used to run the test . Both “A” wells of either
test ticket will receive this extract water, while both “B” wells will receive the
control (RO) water.