Capacity check
Electrical battery testing is not part of
normal routine maintenance, as the
battery is required to give the back-up
function and cannot be easily taken
out of service.
However, if a capacity test of the
battery is needed, the following
procedure should be followed:
a) Discharge the battery at the rate of
to 0.2C
amperes (10 to
20 amperes for a 100 Ah battery)
to a final average voltage of 1.0
volts per cell (i.e. 92 volts for
a 92 cell battery)
b) Charge 200% (i.e. 200 Ah for a
100 Ah battery at the same rate
used in a)
c) Discharge at the same rate used in
a), measuring and recording
current, voltage and time every
hour, and more frequently towards
the end of the discharge. This
should be continued until a final
average voltage of 1.0 volts per
cell is reached. The overall state of
the battery can then be seen, and if
individual cell measurements are
taken, the state of each cell can be
Changing electrolyte
In most stationary battery operations,
the electrolyte will retain its
effectiveness for the life of the battery.
Thus, normally it is not necessary to
change the electrolyte.
However, under certain battery
operating conditions involving high
temperature and cycling, the
electrolyte can become excessively
carbonated. Under these
circumstances the battery
performance can be improved by
replacing the electrolyte. Please
consult your Saft representative under
these conditions.
maintenance procedure
In order to obtain the best from your
battery, the following maintenance
procedure is recommended.
check charge voltage settings
check cell voltages
(30mV deviation from average is
check float current of the battery
check electrolyte level
equalizing charge if agreed
for application
clean cell lids and battery area
check torque values grease terminals
and connectors
every 5 years or as required
capacity check
as required
top-up with water according
to defined period (depend on float
voltage, cycles and temperature)
It is also recommended that a
maintenance record be kept which
should include a record of the
temperature of the battery room.