In general terms, for every 9°C
increase in temperature over the
normal operating temperature of
25°C, the reduction in service life
for a nickel-cadmium battery will
be 20 %, and for a lead acid battery
will be 50 %. In high temperature
situations, therefore, special
consideration must be given to
dimensioning the nickel-cadmium
battery. Under the same conditions,
the lead-acid battery is not a practical
proposition, due to its very short
lifetime. The VRLA battery, for
example, which has a lifetime of
about 7 years under good conditions,
has this reduced to less than 1 year,
if used at 50°C.
Figure 2 - Capacity loss on open circuit stand
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Percentage of initial capacity (%)
Figure 3 - Typical cycle life versus depth of discharge
10 % 20 % 30 % 40 % 50 % 60 % 70 % 80 % 90 % 100 %
Cycle life versus depth of discharge expressed
as a percentage of the rated capacity
Figure 4 - Effect of temperature on lifetime
BlockBat 3/11/98 10:12 Page 18
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