Effect of temperature on
Variations in ambient temperature
affect the performance of the cell,
and this must be allowed for in
battery engineering.
Low temperature operation has the
effect of reducing the performance,
but the higher temperature
characteristics are similar to those
at normal temperatures. The effect
of low temperature is more marked
at higher rates of discharge.
The factors which are required in
sizing a battery to compensate for
temperature variations are given in a
graphical form in Figure 1(a), H type,
Figure 1(b), M type and Figure 1(c) L
type for operating temperatures from
-30°C to +50°C.
Figure 1(a) - Temperature derating factors for H type plate
special electrolyte required for
Figure 1(b) - Temperature derating factors for M type plate
special electrolyte required for
Figure 1(c) - Temperature derating factors for L type plate
special electrolyte required for
BlockBat 3/11/98 10:12 Page 16
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