Care And Maintenance
1. Your Safety Bath So-Lo is quality built and individually tested before shipping. The blower motor
is lubricated for life. As a result, your Safety Bath should require no mechanical maintenance.
In the event that maintenance is necessary, consult a licensed, reputable service technician to
perform any service that is required. Safety Bath recommends using the trades people who in-
stalled your tub, whether it be the plumber or electrician. Access to the blower motor, plenum,
heated seat transformer, and electrical connections can be made through the convenient access
hole in the front of the bath tub by removing the cover.
2. Your Safety Bath So-Lo is molded of colorfast acrylic to provide a thick, smooth, super strong
surface. It is reinforced with several layers of fiberglass to provide years of durable service.
3. NEVER use heavy chemicals or abrasives to clean your bathtub, as they may damage the sur-
face. Never use industrial-type cleaners, acetone, thinner, or any other petroleum-based clean-
ers on your Safety Bath. Most everyday dirt and grime can be wiped away with a damp cloth or
a mild dish detergent. If a heavier product is necessary, ammonia will do the job quite nicely
without damaging the acrylic finish. Read the label of any cleaning product carefully to be sure
it is safe for use on acrylic.
4. A light stain (cigarette, for example), a small scratch, or a permanently dulled area can be re-
stored by polishing with an automotive rubbing or polishing compound followed by a couple of
coats of paste wax. DO NOT use rubbing or polishing compounds on any part of the bathtub
which is not in need of repair.
5. Regular Cleaning:
a) Once a week, wash all exposed surfaces of the tub with a mild solution, such as a non-
abrasive liquid or gel tub cleaner.
use rubbing or polishing compounds on any part
of the bathtub during routine cleaning. Read the label of any cleaning product carefully to be
sure it is safe for use on acrylic.
b) If a stubborn stain or scratch is discovered, and waxing is required, BE CAREFUL not to
get wax into the small holes in the hydrotherapy jets (if equipped). If a jet does become
contaminated with wax, a soft toothbrush may be used to clear the holes. After the tub is
put back into service, the jet system should purge any contaminants from the jets. If the jet
shows signs of blockage, fill tub with warm water, then switch system ON and OFF several
times. The air outlets should be cleared. If this is not sufficient, carefully tap on the jet
heads with the handle of a screwdriver or a similar tool (plastic) while the blower is running.