1. Once the mortar has set, it’s time to make all plumb-
ing and electrical connections. Remove the side ac-
cess cover (if so equipped) to gain access to the elec-
trical components on hydrotherapy system and heated
shower deck equipped bathtubs.
2. If your bathtub came equipped with the Warm Air
Massage hydrotherapy system option, install a water-
proof electrical junction box (
not included with
) via the access hole in the side of the bath-
tub. Use this junction box to connect the dedicated
15A GFCI circuit installed in step 4, page 13 to the
bathtub’s hydrotherapy blower motor. Be sure the
junction box is waterproof. All electrical connections
must be made by a licensed electrical contractor in ac-
cordance with local, state, and federal code.
3. If your bathtub was shipped with the optional Heated Shower Deck package, connect the 30-
minute timer switch (dedicated 15A GFCI) circuit wiring directly to the 120VAC/24VAC trans-
former mounted on the underside of the bathtub. You may instead choose to install a second
waterproof electrical junction box and connect the building’s 15A GFCI circuit to the trans-
former’s feed wire at the junction box. All electrical connections must be made by a licensed
electrical contractor in accordance with local, state, and federal code.
Removing Access Cover
Access Cover Removed, Showing Hydrotherapy Electrical Junction
Junction Box
Access Cover