Your Airone FC750 Fume Cupboard should have an annual service by a suitably qualified person,
to maintain it’s optimal working condition and reduce the possibility of hazard to the operator.
We recommend that a service programme be arranged with Safelab Systems ltd
Regular maintenance by our qualified personnel will ensure safe running of your
equipment and also ensure that you meet your requirements under COSHH regulation 9.
The minimum requirement to comply with COSHH Regulations is that a routine service and
inspection is carried out at least once every 14 months (including face velocities and filter
efficiencies), and a written record kept of the results. Tables printed on back pages of the
Operational Safety Log-Book are suitable for keeping these records.
Refer to page 14 for face velocity and filter checking procedures.
It is also recommended that the pre-filter be replaced a minimum of once every 3 months.
Safelab Systems offer Service Contracts for regular filter-monitoring and servicing of all AIRONE
Filtration Fume Cupboards. Please contact our Service Department for details:
Email -
Phone -
01934 421340
Fax -
01934 641569
Safelab Systems recommend that a simple air sampling test be carried out once a week at eye
and mouth level and/or at the outflow port of the AIRONE Fume Cupboard utilising an appropriate
GASTEC Chemical Detector Tube (available from Safelab Systems). Record result in the
Operational Safety Log-Book.
Information for users for Easy Do-It-Yourself filter-monitoring checks:
Equipment Needed:
A calibrated vane anemometer with a diameter of 100mm and the facility to average readings
over a period of 10 seconds.
Unidirectional Hot-wire Anemometers are also available with the facility of averaging readings.
Refer to Building Bulletin # 88 of the DfEE (rev. of Design Note #29)
GASTEC Volumetric Gas-Detection kit consisting of a disposable tube used with a volumetric
detector hand pump that draws a measured volume of air through the tube. The length of colour
change in the tube indicates the concentration of the gas tested. SAFELAB SYSTEMS supply a
suitable model:
GASTEC Volumetric Detector Pump (Safelab code SRV604).
Additionally packs of disposable tubes will be required.
Pack of 10 Sulphur Dioxide Tubes, 1 pack of 10 Trichloroethylene. Tubes.
Refer to Operational Safety Log-Book and Chemical Listing for correct selection from over 500
different GASTEC chemical detector tubes available for measuring ppm concentration levels of
over 800 compounds in gaseous phase.