Alarm Service Settings
If marked in the first or second field will more boxes vil open.
Motion Detect Armed:
Motion sensor is on, and
the alarm activated by mo-
tion in the image field.
Motion Detect Sensibility:
1 is the least sensitive, 10 is
the highest sensitivity.
Alarm Input Armed:
Not used - it is for cameras
with the ability to connect
external alarm devices.
IO Linkage on Alarm:
Not used.
Send Alert Notification
by Mail: Please tick if you
want an e-mail alert. The
mail can be sent up to 4
different receivers. This is
set up under “Mail Service
Send Alert Notification
by Http: Camera can send a call to a page on the Internet, which is programmed for e.g.
sending an SMS. Remember the “http://” in front page web address.
On www.safehome.dk you can join a service sending an SMS to your mobile phone at
alarm. The price is quoted on the website.
Find your camera on the website and there will be a button to sign up.
After you have registered you can write in the “Http url”:
http://sms.safehome.dk/?ID=XXXXXXXX where XXXXXXXX is your mobile
By registering you also get Http url address on the screen so you can copy it.
Upload Image on Alarm: Allows you to select the interval in seconds for uploading im-
ages on alarm.
Bottom opens for a Scheduler (plan) where you can set the camera to alarm status at
fixed hours of the week.