10.4 Software update
The vending machine management programme is
stored in the flash memory included in the “Freescale
MC9S12XEP100” microcontroller.
The software update can be performed by using:
- A“VDRIVE2” module (Fig. 101);
- The interface circuit;
- A USB key (Pen Drive);
- A file containing the new software to be loaded.
- Insert the interface circuit into the blue connector of the
CPU board (JP2) (Fig. 103);
- Press and hold the P1 button (Fig. 103) on the CPU;
- Switch on the vending machine;
- After a CPU beep** release the P1 button;
- 3 close beeps and the restart of the vending machine
confirm that the software has been updated.
- Switch off the vending machine;
- Remove the VDRIVE and the interface circuit.
**The software update request is notified by the CPU beep.
The file search procedure and the following recording
on the microcontroller is performed according to the
following steps:
- The CPU recognises the USB key and searches for the
file with the software to be loaded (green and red lights
on the CPU flash alternatively);
- Once the correct file has been recognised the software
is loaded on the CPU (only the green light flashes for
approximately 1 minute);
- 3 close beeps and the restart of the vending machine
confirm that the software has been updated.
- In case of errors, a long beep is emitted and the red light
stays on.
Update procedure:
- Store the “SAE_650M.s19” file on a USB key* (file
should be stored on the device root);
- Switch off the vending machine;
- Insert the USB key into the VDRIVE2;
- Connect the VDRIVE2 wiring to the interface circuit (Fig.
* All common USB keys used on PCs are suitable. Some
restrictions are:
- The device has to be FAT12, FAT16 or FAT32
- The sector size has to be of 512 Bytes
Fig. 101
Fig. 102
Fig. 103