R60 Station
R60 User Manual
Document Number
7000 120-019
Page 44 (98)
Monitor > Data log
In the Monitor category main page, selecting the Data Log sub-category will display the
Data Log view. Data log shows NMEA data of sent and received radio messages as well
as additional status information. Data is displayed in the same format as that used to
provide data to systems connected to the R60.
Log panel
In this view all AIS messages are logged in a scrolling panel showing the latest 500
messages. When new messages are received the oldest are removed. The oldest are
shown on top and newest at the bottom. The time shown for each message is the time
it was received in the web client.
Clipboard panel
If a log is needed for later use, this panel can be used. It allows for messages to be
logged in the computer’s memory and then copied to the Windows clipboard. This way
it can be pasted into a file and saved. See page example in Figure 5-2.
The Start Log button tells the page to start logging messages to memory. Any
messages that are received after the button is pressed will be saved in the web pages
memory for later use. When clicking the button it changes to Stop Log and pressing it
again will stop the logging to memory. The data in memory will stay there until, either
the Clear Log button is pressed, or the web page is reloaded.
It is possible to log data for many hours (depending on traffic load), but it will affect
the computer performance negatively as the memory of the computer is filled with the
The Copy Log button takes the logged messages in memory and copies them to the
windows clipboard. Once the button has been pressed, you can paste the contents into
a file and save the file. (Note: The log can’t be saved to a file directly by the page
because of how web browsers are stopped from accessing files for security reasons.)
The Clear Log button empties the log in memory, freeing up the memory.
At the bottom of the Clipboard panel, the number of entries currently in memory is