R60 Station
R60 User Manual
Document Number
7000 120-019
Page 40 (98)
The web GUI can be used to monitor the operation of the R60. Monitoring functions
are available in the Monitor category, accessed by opening the R60 start web page
(section 3.3) and then click on “> Monitor”.
Monitor > Alarms
In the Monitor category main page, selecting the Alarms sub-category will display the
Alarms view.
In this view you can monitor the current alarm status. The meaning of the listed alarms
is described in Table 5-1.
Indicates an internal hardware error in the R60 station or if the antenna terminal is
short or open (antenna feeder problem).
Antenna VSWR Indicates that the impedance of the VHF antenna system is far from 50Ω.
Rx Channel A
Receiver 1 (channel A) receiver is faulty. Indicates an internal error in the R60 station.
Rx Channel B
Receiver 2 (channel B) receiver is faulty. Indicates an internal error in the R60 station.
General Status
Indicates internal error(s) in the R60 station.
Indicates whether the base station is synchronised to UTC time.
Sensor Position
in Use
Indicates if proper position information is available or if an undefined surveyed
position is used.
Frame Synch
This alarm is active when the base station is unable to retrieve AIS frame
Indicates valid DGNSS information is not available. Note that this alarm can be
expected if no DGNSS source is connected to the base station or if the R60 is not
equipped with the DGNSS broadcast option, unless the R60 is configured to have no
DGNSS corrections.
R60 Station
This alarm indicates that the surveyed base station position does not correspond to
the position retrieved from GNSS, indicating the coordinates entered on the GNSS
page are likely to be incorrect. This means VDL users will get an incorrect position
report from the base station.
This alarm will go active if the R60 internal temperature e65°C (149°F)
DC Power
This alarm will go active if an external DC power supply is detected, but produces too
low voltage. If no AC power is present the R60 will only work for a short period of time
after this alarm has been generated. If AC power is present, this alarm indicates that
the DC power backup is faulty and will not be sufficient in case of a mains blackout.
This alarm will go active if the R60 is setup with an invalid transmission schedule. If this
alarm is active some VDL messages will never be transmitted.
Hot Standby
This alarm indicates that no connection to another R60 exists. If this alarm is active the
R60 will only work in non-redundant mode.