We Thank You . . .
Thank you for your continued interest in Rytan quality products. We appreciate and respect the confidence you have
shown in us. From your early support through purchasing our first products back in 1983 we have created many
innovative products which you use on a daily basis in your business. Many of our innovative product ideas came from
friends and associates in the Locksmith and Locksmith Distribution business who sincerely wanted us to be here and
to serve their industry.
The successful ergonomic handled lock picks and all of the standard, unique, and miniature pick blades were
created from a desire to make the best possible lock picking instruments in the industry. The curved ergonomic
handle was inspired by the world famous Buck Knife. The Rytan Riffle Pick, Diamond-Hook, Hi-Lo Modified Full
Rake and Miniature pick tips are, and always be, uniquely ours. Did you know that once you become accustomed to
the comfort and “feel” of the Rytan curved pick handle it is hard to go back to the straight handle again.
The inspiration for the famous Rytan RY57 Plug Spinner came from our knowledge of the old “knuckle buster” plug
spinner that used a wind-up spring. We designed our RY57 Plug Spinner with a push button to release a torsion
spring that could not turn much more that a half turn in either direction. It saved your knuckles from being bashed and
gave us a great reputation which carries your endorsement by the very fact that we’ve sold over 40,000 of them.
In late 1984 there was a problem with 1984-1/2 Ford double-sided ignition locks with a sidebar. The only practical
way to get through the lock was to drill the sidebar or use try-out keys. Existing drill tools at the time were cheaply
made and try-out key codes were selling for the rip-off price of $100 or more. We responded by designing and
building the first heavy-duty “real tool” to drill out the side bar and gave away the try-out codes for free with the
purchase of the RY25 Ford Drill Tool.
It was the profits earned from you, by purchasing our tools, that we reinvested into the design of our now famous
RY100 heavy-duty high-speed key duplicating key machine.
The “work-horse” of the industry, the RY100 high speed heavy-duty key duplicator was designed to massive
proportions because it had to feel strong, and be strong, and rigid, and fast, and accurate to the person who used it.
Upon its introduction at the Los Angeles ALOA Convention the machine took the show by storm and sold more
machines on introduction than any other key machine in history. Locksmiths discovered at the show that they could
buy two Rytan RY100 key machines for the cost of only one imported premium key machine.
The idea for our most successful feature on the RY100 — the full-function key gauges came from our understanding
that you don’t want a key machine that uses separate key gauges that can become misplaced or lost. Our full-
function key gauges allow you to gauge the keys on the top shoulder, gauge from the tip of the key as for Ford
double sided, and gauge from behind the tip as for Best and Falcon. All with the same built-in full-function key gauge;
with no other key gauges to misplace or loose. The Rytan RY100 standard key duplicator and the RY256 Medeco
and standard key duplicator both use our famous key vises. At trade shows the impressive power of our vise jaws
was demonstrated by clamping an over cut Volkswagen key in the vise of the RY100; and then lifting the machine
completely off the table with a large key ring looped through the over cut Volkswagen key. Of course the reason why
we could do this demonstration successfully is because, like a machinists milling vise, the RY100 key vise is
precision made, stays square and parallel, and crunches with brute force.
We like what we’re doing. We’re good at it. And, like our story, we keep on going . . .