이 자료는 저작권법에 따라 보호받는 저작물이므로 무단배포 및 무단복제를 금하며, 내용의 전부 또는
일부를 이용하려면, 반드시 한국 VictorRuoshui 社 의 서면동의를 받아야 합니다.
5.3. Peak Hold
In measurement press
key (over 3 seconds), display ”PEAK” symbol, and enter into
captures mode of peak value, and display
“ ” symbol, of the circuit in this time period, and
releases the hand to return to the test state. The meter automatically captures the current peak value
of the circuit line during this period, release hand and returns to the test state.
5.4. Data Hold, Cancel, Storage, Access, Clear
5.4.1. During testing press
key for a short time (less than 3 seconds),
symbol will
display, the meter will hold present measuring data and automatically stored in the memory with a
unit ID; press
key again to exit the hold state, and the meter continues measuring; If stored
data reached 99groups, press
key again, the “
” symbol will display, indicate storage
data is full; press
key to cancel
” flashing and return to measuring mode.
5.4.2. Press
keys to enter into data access mode and display Unit 1 storage
data automatically; and then press
key again to turn the page and access stored data; If
haven`t storage data will display
symbol, press
key to exit data access mode.
5.4.3. After entering into data access mode, long press
key (over 3 seconds) will clean
all stored data; when the meter display “
” symbol, indicate that it has finished clean process,
and then return to measuring state automatically.
6. Function Quick Checking
POWER key short press
Start up/shut down/exit
HOLD key short press
Data hold/relieve/store
HOLD key long press exceed 3 seconds
Peak hold
in test mode
HOLD key long press exceed 3 seconds
Data delete
in data access mode
HOLD key + POWER key
Data access/browse
HOLD key
7. Display Sample
7.1.--- the tested leakage current is 0.25mA
7.2.--- low battery power, please replace the
7.3.--- the tested leakage current is 5.00mA
--- hold testing data
--- automatic store with 03 group data
7.4.--- access the 03 group data of storage