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Accessing the ZoneDirector 5000
There are two ways to access the ZoneDirector 5000:
Web Interface (GUI)
: Access the Web interface using an Internet browser to connect
to ZoneDirector’s static IP address.
Command Line Interface (CLI)
: Access the CLI using a terminal program (such as
PuTTy or Hyperterminal) connected to ZoneDirector via the RJ45 Serial port on the
front panel.
Web Interface
In your Web browser, enter ZoneDirector’s default IP address in the URL bar and
Default IP address
Enter the default
Login Name
at the login screen.
Admin Name
: admin
: admin
The ZoneDirector Setup Wizard launches immediately after you log in the first
time. Complete the Setup Wizard to configure your first WLAN. You can also
create a Guest WLAN for visitors, set your Country Code, change the Web
interface language or enable Smart Mesh capability at this time.
Once you have completed the Setup Wizard, ZoneDirector is ready to begin
controlling your ZoneFlex WLAN(s). For more detailed configuration information,
see the ZoneDirector User Guide.
Command Line Interface
Connect an Ethernet cable from your Admin PC to the RJ45 Serial port on the
front panel of the ZoneDirector 5000.
Launch either the PuTTY or HyperTerminal application from your Admin PC:
Start > Programs > Accessories > Communications > Hyper Terminal
The screen will prompt you for a new connection. Type a connection name and
press OK.
The screen will prompt you how to connect. Select Com 1 or Com 2 (depending
on which Com port the console cable on your computer is connected) press OK.
The next prompt asks you to confirm the Com properties. Match these settings
and press OK:
Bits per second: 115200
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow Control: Hardware
Enter the default Admin name and Password at the login screen
Login Name: admin
Password: admin
For more information on CLI commands and their use, see the ZoneDirector CLI Refer-
ence Guide.